Dauphiné - traduction vers français
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Dauphiné - traduction vers français

Dauphiny; Delfinato; Dalfinat; Daufinat; Delphinatus; Dauphiné Viennois
  • ''[[Day of the Tiles]]'', 1890 painting by [[Alexandre Debelle]], ([[Musée de la Révolution française]]).

Dauphiné, region and former province in France
fils aîné      
n. dauphin
n. dolphin, type of marine mammal; heir apperent, dauphin, title of the heir to the throne of France


·noun The title of the wife of the dauphin.



The Dauphiné (UK: , US: French: [dofi'ne]) is a former province in Southeastern France, whose area roughly corresponded to that of the present departments of Isère, Drôme and Hautes-Alpes. The Dauphiné was originally the Dauphiné of Viennois.

In the 12th century, the local ruler Count Guigues IV of Albon (c. 1095–1142) bore a dolphin on his coat of arms and was nicknamed le Dauphin (French for 'dolphin'). His descendants changed their title from Count of Albon to Dauphin of Viennois. The state took the name of Dauphiné. It became a state of the Holy Roman Empire in the 11th century.

In 1349, the Dauphiné was transferred from the last non-royal Dauphin (who had great debts and no direct heir) to the future king of France, Charles V, through the purchase of lands. The terms of the transfer stipulated that the heir apparent of France would henceforth be called le Dauphin and included significant autonomy and tax exemption for the Dauphiné region, most of which it retained only until 1457, though it remained a province until the French Revolution. Dauphin of France remained the title of the eldest son of a king of France and the heir apparent to the French crown until 1830.

The historical capital is Grenoble and the other main towns are Vienne, Valence, Montélimar, Gap and Romans-sur-Isère. The demonym for its inhabitants is Dauphinois.

Exemples de prononciation pour Dauphiné
1. This story starts in Dauphin, Canada.
2. for the second-to-last stage of the Dauphine.
The Tour de France Champion _ Stephen Roche _ Talks at Google
3. that the people in Dauphin had not only become richer
4. What they did in Dauphin is finance it with a negative income tax.
5. And the Dauphine, which is the second-biggest tour in France
The Tour de France Champion _ Stephen Roche _ Talks at Google
Exemples du corpus de texte pour Dauphiné
1. Le Dauphiné Libéré a eu l‘idée d‘établir un top 10 des secteurs qui recrutent le plus.
2. Le quotidien régional Le Dauphiné Libéré a établi un classement des villes les mieux servies.
3. Li';ge–Bastogne–Li';ge, Tour de Murcie, Dauphiné Libéré, dont deux victoires d‘étapes.
4. La famille était originaire du Dauphiné, oů il va souvent peindre ŕ ses débuts. 1'05.
5. Le Dauphiné libéré croit savoir que les enquęteurs se penchent également sur un troisi';me meurtre, commis le 15 novembre dernier dans la région.